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Although the company was only founded in 1988, Mackie Designs' roots go back to 1969 when Greg Mackie founded Technical Audio Products (TAPCO) with his partner Martin Schneider. Mackie, a musician in a Seattle rock band, was frustrated with the poor quality of most audio mixers. TAPCO's first success came with the release of its Model 6000 audio mixer, the first mixer designed specifically for the louder volumes rock bands require. Musicians quickly embraced the equipment. TAPCO mixers were not only cheap and effective, they were also durable.Read more...



Hoewel het bedrijf pas in 1988 werd opgericht, gaan de wortels van Mackie Designs terug tot 1969, toen Greg Mackie Technical Audio Products (TAPCO) oprichtte met zijn partner Martin Schneider. Mackie, muzikant in een rockband in Seattle, was gefrustreerd door de slechte kwaliteit van de meeste audiomixers. TAPCO's eerste succes vond plaats met de release van zijn Model 6000 audiomixer, de eerste mixer die speciaal was ontworpen voor de luidere volumes die rockbands nodig hebben. Muzikanten omarmden de apparatuur snel. De mixers van TAPCO waren niet alleen goedkoop en effectief, ze waren ook duurzaam. Lees meer...


Hoewel het bedrijf pas in 1988 werd opgericht, gaan de wortels van Mackie Designs terug tot 1969, toen Greg Mackie Technical Audio Products (TAPCO) oprichtte met zijn partner Martin Schneider. Mackie, muzikant in een rockband in Seattle, was gefrustreerd door de slechte kwaliteit van de meeste audiomixers. TAPCO's eerste succes vond plaats met de release van zijn Model 6000 audiomixer, de eerste mixer die speciaal was ontworpen voor de luidere volumes die rockbands nodig hebben. Muzikanten omarmden de apparatuur snel. De mixers van TAPCO waren niet alleen goedkoop en effectief, ze waren ook duurzaam. Lees meer...


History of the company

However, when the company started implementing cost-cutting measures, Mackie parted ways with TAPCO in 1977. Mackie launched his second business venture, AudioControl, that same year. This new company quickly established itself as a leading manufacturer of stereo equalizers and analyzers for home users. Despite the success with AudioControl, Mackie left the company in 1985 to pursue a new adventure.

Mackie founded Mackie Designs in 1988 to meet this need for high quality, reasonably priced compact mixers. Initially he ran his eponymous business from his three-bedroom apartment in Edmonds, Washington. Using a cabinet full of spare parts from his earlier companies, Mackie was determined to make a cheap mixer that performed well.

Backed by this early success, Mackie Designs moved from the founder's home to a factory. In 1991, the company released the CR-1604 audio mixer, which would revolutionize the industry. (The effect of the CR-1604 on the music business would later be equated with the impact of the computer on word processing.


Versatile Range

Mackie has become a legend in the world of affordable but good mixers, amplifiers and speakers. In 2021 they make just about everything you need in the field of audio such as Studio Monitors, Headphones, audio interfaces, microphones, portable P.A sets and everything in between. And all this with still the same philosophy.


Mackie at Music All In

At Music All-In we have the most common items in our range as standard. Do you have questions about Mackie or are you looking for a product that is not on our page? Let us know and we'll be happy to help!
