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Buy a saxophone?

The saxophone has been arguably the most popular wind instrument for many years. This has several reasons. First, many people like the sound of a saxophone very much. Songs like Baker Street or Take Five have contributed to the fame of the saxophone. Dutch artists, such as Candy Dulfer, have also made the saxophone known to the general public. There is another reason that it is such a popular instrument. The accessibility. It is one of the easiest wind instruments to start.Read more...
saxophone department


Saxofoon kopen?

De saxofoon is al vele jaren een van de populairste blaasinstrumenten. Dat heeft meerdere redenen. Ten eerste vinden veel mensen de klank van een saxofoon erg mooi. De saxofoon ziet er ook nog eens prachtig uit. Daarbij is het een zeer toegankelijk instrument. Het is een van de makkelijkste blaasinstrumenten om op te starten. Wil je ook een saxofoon kopen, maar weet je nog niet welke?Lees dan hier meer...

saxofoon afdeling

Saxofoon kopen?

De saxofoon is al vele jaren een van de populairste blaasinstrumenten. Dat heeft meerdere redenen. Ten eerste vinden veel mensen de klank van een saxofoon erg mooi. De saxofoon ziet er ook nog eens prachtig uit. Daarbij is het een zeer toegankelijk instrument. Het is een van de makkelijkste blaasinstrumenten om op te starten. Wil je ook een saxofoon kopen, maar weet je nog niet welke? Lees meer...

saxofoon showroom - MusicAllin Noordwijk


Obviously it takes a lot of time and energy to become a good saxophonist. But you quickly master your first notes and songs. Below you can read what to look out for when you want to buy a saxophone. You can choose to seek advice from a teacher or music store first. You can also easily buy a saxophone online. As long as you know what to look out for.



The Alto Saxophone

The alto saxophone, also called alto sax, is the most common version of the saxophone. In general, this instrument is tuned in Eb. Although it sometimes happens that alto saxes are tuned in C. The alto saxophone can mainly be recognized by its neck. But also the size of the body. This sax is very popular in jazz and funk music. It is often used as a real solo instrument. You can also see the alto saxophone in every concert band. The alto saxophone is the 2nd size of the regular variations of the saxophone. They take their name from the well-known singing voices. From small to large: soprano saxophone, the alto saxophone, the tenor saxophoneand the baritone saxophone.


Tips when buying a saxophone

With a guitar you pay attention to the type of wood. With a digital piano on the possibilities. But what do you pay attention to when you want to buy a saxophone. There are many important points that distinguish a good sax from a bad one. In addition, they are available in different price ranges. Each with its own target group. The most important point is of course the sound of the sax. The material used for the body has an influence. But also the mouthpiece, the neck of the sax and the reeds you use. So always play every sax first. In addition, it is very important that the valves close properly. This prevents you from blowing false air. At the same time it is important how the sax plays. In other words, what is the playing feeling like. You can test this too by playing on the instruments you have in mind.


Second-hand saxophone and starter models

As mentioned, saxes are made in very different price ranges. If you search carefully online, you may find them from as little as 200-300 euros. And with a little luck they also play. An alto saxophone is a maintenance-sensitive instrument. This is important to remember when making a purchase. The adjustment of the valves is very precise. These must close optimally. If this does not work properly, you will blow a lot of false air. Your saxophone then plays heavier and is often not clear. With a starter model or a second-handit is therefore important that you pay attention to this. Do you not understand this yourself? Always ask for advice. Or, for example, take the teacher with you. There are more than enough good starter models or beginner saxes on the market. Unfortunately, there are also a lot of tools that are far from good enough.


Buy used? May or may not.

Buying a second-hand alto saxophone is certainly a good choice. It is of course important that the technical condition is in order. But if this has been checked and you have a good guarantee, it is often a great option. You often buy a second-hand sax for an attractive price. This way you buy a sax in the price range of a beginner model that is often a lot better. Popular brands for second-hand saxes are Yamaha, Selmerand Yanagizawa. Are you in doubt about a model? Then always have someone who understands it. You can always contact us for maintenance. Even if you bought the instrument elsewhere.

alto saxophone tenor saxophone baritone saxophone

Common terms

  • Mouthpiece: This is where you blow up. You attach it to the neck of the saxophone.
  • Reed: You place the reed on the mouthpiece. Causes vibrations when blowing.
  • Ligature: This ensures that you attach the reed to a mouthpiece
  • Keys: The keys close the different sound holes in the sax. With this you create different notes.
  • Pads: Pads are in the flaps and provide optimal protection and closure.
  • Neck screw: This secures the neck to the body. Is often a weak part of cheaper saxes.
  • Neck: The neck is the curved part and connects the mouthpiece to the body
  • Body: the corpus of the sax. It contains all keys and the mechanism.
  • Mechanism: The mechanism connects all buttons and valves. Determines how heavy or light the sax plays.
  • Engraving: The word says it all. Engraving (decoration) can often be found on the bell of the sax.
  • Thumb rest: Holds the sax with your right hand.
  • Gigbag: A backpack or suitcase that is lightweight. Can usually be used as a backpack.
  • Cork: Sits on the neck and allows you to place the mouthpiece on the neck and stay put.


Alto saxophone shop

So you can easily buy an alto saxophone online or second-hand somewhere. At least if you know what is important to pay attention to. You can also buy all models online with us. We also sell second-hand saxophones. Every week we ship wind instruments, new and used, to satisfied customers. Throughout the Benelux and beyond. Would you prefer advice first or play on the different models yourself? Then come to our store in Noordwijk. Don't we have your alto saxophone in stock? Call us and we will arrange it for you quickly.
