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Buy a recorder?

The recorder is perhaps the most used instrument for starting musicians. Many children and now adults have started on the recorder. The nice thing about the recorder is that young children can start making music early on. Due to the easy blowing, you quickly get sound. Not only is this instrument played by beginners and / or children. The recorder is also certainly suitable for studying. This age-old instrument is not only for beginners, but certainly also advanced.Read more...


Blokfluit kopen?

De blokfluit is misschien wel het meest gebruikte instrument voor startende muzikanten. Veel kinderen en nu inmiddels volwassenen zijn begonnen op de blokfluit. Het leuke van de blokfluit is dat jonge kinderen al vroeg kunnen beginnen met muziek maken. Door het makkelijk aanblazen krijg je snel geluid. Niet alleen wordt dit instrument gespeeld door beginners en/of kinderen. Ook is de blokfluit zeker geschikt op door te studeren. Dit eeuwenoude instrument is er niet alleen voor beginners maar ook zeker gevorderden. Lees meer…

Blokfluit kopen?

De blokfluit is misschien wel het meest gebruikte instrument voor startende muzikanten. Veel kinderen en nu inmiddels volwassenen zijn begonnen op de blokfluit. Het leuke van de blokfluit is dat jonge kinderen al vroeg kunnen beginnen met muziek maken. Door het makkelijk aanblazen krijg je snel geluid. Niet alleen wordt dit instrument gespeeld door beginners en/of kinderen. Ook is de blokfluit zeker geschikt op door te studeren. Dit eeuwenoude instrument is er niet alleen voor beginners maar ook zeker gevorderden. Lees meer...


Buying a recorder

What should you pay attention to if you want to buy a recorder? There are so many different types, but also many different materials. The recorder family consists of sopranino, soprano, alt, tenor, bass and great bass. The best thing to start with as a beginner is the soprano. This is because the fingering is relatively simple. But also because the distance between the tone holes is not too great. Now you can choose from different materials, wood and plastic. A woodencopy naturally has a nicer sound than a plastic. But also one plasticcertainly has advantages. You don't have to play this quietly, so you can start making a lot of music right away! It is also easy to maintain. You do not have to oil plastic as with wood and it can withstand moisture well. Many different woods are used for the recorders. With the starter models you often see pear wood or maple wood used. With the more expensive models, for example, boxwood and rosewood. The better the wood, the better the sound.


Next challenge, Baroque or German drilling

When buying a recorder it is important to pay attention to the Baroque boring or German bore. Just a brief explanation of the difference between these two. You can see the differences in the size of the tone holes. In a German bore, the fifth tone hole is smaller than the fourth tone hole. With the Baroque this is exactly the other way around. The fourth tone hole is smaller than the fifth tone hole. Both are fine to start with. Sometimes one recorder teacher prefers the German fingering. Another teacher prefers Baroque handles. The German bore is chosen regularly, especially for small children. This has to do with the handles. They are a bit easier with German recorders.

recorder with cover recorder mouthpiece recorder


Single or Double Bore

When purchasing a recorder, you also have to choose whether you want single or double bore. You can recognize these recorders by the tone holes at the bottom of the flute. The bottom holes are then single or double. The same rule applies here as with the German and Baroque drilling. You can work fine with both options. The difference has to do with the handles. You have to keep half a hole closed for different fingels to get a good sound. With a double drilling you can then keep one of the two holes closed. Some players find this easier. Single or Double Boring has nothing to do with German or Baroque drilling.


Common terms

  • Baroque bore: Baroque handles
  • German bore: German grips, relatively easier than baroque grips
  • Pear wood: Type of wood that is often used in starter models
  • Sopranino: Smallest flute of the recorder family, tuned in F.
  • Soprano: Tuned in C
  • Alt: Tuned in F.
  • Tenor: Tuned in C
  • Eraser: With this tool you dry the flute after playing
  • Boxwood: Wood that is more often used in more expensive specimens
  • Double bore: double tone holes at the bottom of the flute
  • Single bore: some tone holes at the bottom of the flute
  • Mouthpiece: Blow on this area to create sound
  • Taps: These are the attachments where you slide the different parts together
  • Plastic: This material is widely used with beginner instruments
