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Buy a clarinet?

You want to play the clarinet. Now you probably have all kinds of questions popping up in your head. Before you get into flight mode, here are some tips. The clarinet is made of plastic or wood. Plastic clarinets are a lot cheaper than clarinets made from wood. The wooden clarinets are made from Grenadilla wood. Now a wooden instrument sounds a lot warmer. But a plastic instrument is certainly a great alternative to start with. So you can see if you like it!Read more...
clarinet department


Klarinet kopen?

Je wilt klarinet gaan spelen. Nu schieten er waarschijnlijk allemaal vragen in je hoofd. Voordat je in vluchtmodus schiet hier wat tips. De klarinet wordt gemaakt van kunststof of van hout. Kunststof klarinetten zijn een stuk goedkoper dan van hout gemaakte klarinetten. De houten klarinetten worden gemaakt van Grenadillehout. Nu klinkt een houten instrument een stuk warmer. Maar een kunststof instrument is zeker een prima alternatief om mee te starten. Zo kan je kijken of je het leuk vind! Lees meer...

klarinet afdeling

Klarinet kopen?

Je wilt klarinet gaan spelen. Nu schieten er waarschijnlijk allemaal vragen in je hoofd. Voordat je in vluchtmodus schiet hier wat tips. De klarinet wordt gemaakt van kunststof of van hout. Kunststof klarinetten zijn een stuk goedkoper dan van hout gemaakte klarinetten. De houten klarinetten worden gemaakt van Grenadillehout. Nu klinkt een houten instrument een stuk warmer. Maar een kunststof instrument is zeker een prima alternatief om mee te starten. Zo kan je kijken of je het leuk vind! Lees meer...

klarinet afdeling


The Bb Clarinet

The Bb clarinet is the most common model. You see them a lot in concert bands, but also in Klezmer bands or big bands. It is a versatile instrument and certainly suitable for many musical styles. The B flat clarinet is tuned in B flat, as its name implies. There are also clarinets in other keys, such as the E-flat clarinet. For small children, E-flat clarinet is more often chosen. This has to do with the comfort of a somewhat smaller instrument. This is easier to play with small hands.

Different systems

With clarinets you have different systems. The German Albert system and the French Böhm system. The Albert system used to be very popular. Today the Böhm system is much more common. The construction of this is made in such a way that the instrument is easier to hold. Especially the mechanism is easier to operate. There is also much more choice in clarinets with a Böhm system, so only advantages!

Tips when purchasing

First you will have to make the choice between plasticor wood. Plastic is much more affordable than wood. But a wooden clarinet sounds better again. What is certainly important is choosing between an Albert or Böhm system. This is actually even more important than the material of the instrument. Above all, it is important for a beginner to choose a system and stick with it. Because learning certain grips is easier than unlearning later. A good nozzleis really a plus! The sound is largely determined by the musician himself. But the accessory such as a mouthpiece certainly also has a major influence. The better the quality, the easier the learning path is. The greater the pleasure, and ultimately the better the result.

Bb clarinet clarinet bass clarinet


Common terms:

  • Mouthpiece: This part is where you blow and generate sound
  • Ligature: This secures the reed to the mouthpiece
  • Reed: You generate sound through the vibration
  • Mechanism: the keys that you press to make different tones
  • Albert system: A designed system / action for German clarinets
  • Böhm System: A designed system / action for French clarinets
  • Wood type: many models are made of Grenadilla wood
  • Plastic: many study models are made from this material
  • Barrel: Top part, you vote with this
  • Cup: lower part
  • Left Eb key: Some more professional instruments have this auxiliary grip

Used or not

A second-hand clarinet buying is a good option. Sometimes a second-hand wooden instrument is just as expensive as a new plastic one. And then it is of course a great choice to go for second-hand. Provided it is in good condition. With us, the instruments are adjusted and sometimes delivered overhauled if necessary. With warranty of course.

For the wooden instruments it is important that the wood is in good condition. Make sure there are no cracks in the wood. In connection with further tearing.
