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Bestel gemakkelijk de mooiste ukulele's

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Gratis verzending vanaf € 49,95

Nieuw: de Roland LX digitale piano's

Bezoek onze Piano & Vleugel showroom in Noordwijk

Bestel alle keyboards direct online

Gratis verzending vanaf € 49,95

Kies uit verschillende handgemaakte violen

Hars voor strijkinstrumenten. Bestel eenvoudig online

Oefen in stilte. Bekijk elektrische strijkinstrumenten

Gratis verzending vanaf € 49,95

Gratis verzending vanaf € 49,95

Wij kopen jouw gebruikte instrument

Bekijk alle tweedehands gitaren

Bekijk alle tweedehands instrumenten

Second-hand musical instruments

At Music All-in, we love second-hand musical instruments. We exchange these regularly. That is an advantage for any musician who wants to buy a new instrument. The value of your second-hand instrument can be subtracted from the total amount. This makes it easier to buy a new instrument as soon as you get to it. The instruments we trade are then checked by us at all. And offered again to customers looking for affordable instruments. For example, beginners.Read more...
secondhand musical instruments


Tweedehands muziekinstrumenten koop je bij Music All In

Een tweedehands muziekinstrument koop je bij Music All In omdat je dan zeker weet dat het instrument 100% in orde is. Wij inspecteren alle ingeruilde instrumenten grondig en stellen ze weer helemaal perfect af zodat elk exemplaar weer speelt als nieuw. We geven uiteraard ook garantie op alle occasions die we aanbieden. Zo koop je veilig en betrouwbaar een tweedehands instrument, en ben je een stuk voordeliger uit dan wanneer je een nieuw muziekinstrument aanschaft.  Lees meer...

Een tweedehands muziekinstrument koop je bij Music All In omdat je dan zeker weet dat het instrument 100% in orde is. Wij inspecteren alle ingeruilde instrumenten grondig en stellen ze weer helemaal perfect af zodat elk exemplaar weer speelt als nieuw. We geven uiteraard ook garantie op alle occasions die we aanbieden. Zo koop je veilig en betrouwbaar een tweedehands instrument, en ben je een stuk voordeliger uit dan wanneer je een nieuw muziekinstrument aanschaft.  Lees meer...

Second-hand musical instruments

Buying a second-hand musical instrument

All the occasions at Music All-in have 2 years of guarantee. So when you buy an occasion with us you are assured of a good instrument. We sell second-hand musical instruments like pianos and wings. But all kinds too wind instrumentslike secondhand saxophones, trumpets, clarinets, transverse flutesand trombones. Also guitars, amplifiers, drum set, stage pianossynthesizersand Pro Audio are regularly traded. A used instrument often has the same price class as a beginner's instrument. So you're playing on a better model, for the same money.



Because we trade a lot, we always have a big offer. In addition, we also buy used instruments. Do you have an instrument you want to sell. Look up. this page for the possibilities. In exceptional cases, we also trade accessories. Beginners' instruments are sometimes traded in. Most of the offer used consists of the better models and types. You want to buy a new instrument and you're interested in trading something. Then take your instrument to Music All-in and we'll be happy to make you a proposal. If the instrument is too large to carry itself, you can also take pictures. Unfortunately, we cannot give concrete exchange prices on the telephone or mail.

secondhand trumpet second-hand amplifier second-hand saxophone

Instruments used online shop

On our special page for secondhand musical instruments you will find all the occasions together. This will make you see at once what the current offer of occasions is. In addition, you will find all the instruments used in the page category. You easily recognize the occasions at the red occasion label. All second-hand instruments can be bought online. We send occasions to satisfied customers every week. Throughout the Benelux and sometimes beyond. Come to our store in Northwijk to see, feel and hear your used instrument first. Are you looking for a specific used instrument? We're happy to look for you. Call or mail us.


Benefits of a second-hand musical instrument

  • 1 year guarantee
  • All instruments first get a service before they are sold
  • All instruments are checked completely
  • You buy a better instrument for the same budget as a beginner's instrument
  • Purchase amount is often lower
  • Often unique items between the offer. Models you don’t see every day.
  • Instruments that are no longer made new.
  • Many instruments are value-proof. You don’t have to write down much on them in many cases
