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Buying electric drums?

Buying a new electric drum kit is of course very nice, but it can also be difficult to choose the right model. We are therefore happy to help you buy electric drums. We sell electric drumsets of the well-known brands such as Roland. We have the electric drums just in stock in our showroom in Noordwijk. That means you can always come by and test the electric drums. You can also order your electric drums online from us. You'll probably get these in the house the next day. We send electric drums to satisfied customers throughout the Benelux every day. You can always contact us for all your questions about electric drums.Read more...
electric drums Department


Elektrisch drumstel kopen?

Hoe kan je thuis drums oefenen zonder ruzie met de buren te krijgen? Koop een elektronisch drumstel! Met een elektronisch drumstel kan je niet alleen op een gereduceerd geluidsniveau oefenen, je hebt ook meteen een breed scala aan verschillende sounds in huis! Ook heeft een elektronisch drumstel vaak een hoop voorgeprogrammeerde oefentracks aan boord om mee te spelen. Met de juiste pads voelt het allemaal net als een akoestisch drumstel aan, dus je skills zullen er ook niet onder lijden. Een elektronisch drumstel is het meest ideale drumstel voor thuis!Lees meer...

Hoe kan je thuis drums oefenen zonder ruzie met de buren te krijgen? Koop een elektronisch drumstel! Met een elektronisch drumstel kan je niet alleen op een gereduceerd geluidsniveau oefenen, je hebt ook meteen een breed scala aan verschillende sounds in huis! Ook heeft een elektronisch drumstel vaak een hoop voorgeprogrammeerde oefentracks aan boord om mee te spelen. Met de juiste pads voelt het allemaal net als een akoestisch drumstel aan, dus je skills zullen er ook niet onder lijden. Een elektronisch drumstel is het meest ideale drumstel voor thuis!Lees meer...

Electric drums

Electric drums

You want to buy new electronic drums? At Music All-in, You've come to the right place. Of course, you can't just go Online and buy an electronic drum kit. You probably want to get yourself well informed before you buy electric drums. Orientation Online is of course a good way to do this. You want to buy the electric drum set that fits your situation. We can help you buy the right electric drums. Important features are, for example, the make, configuration, module and drumpads. We explain to jen below what the main differences and characteristics are. Do you have any questions? Take it. contact we're done and we'll be happy to help you out.

Other categories for drummers: acoustic drumsets, basins, hardware, drumsticks, drum sheets


What am I supposed to pay attention to when buying electric drums?

The two most important features of electronic drums are the module and the drumpads. The module, or the dummy computer, determines all sounds. So this actually determines how good your electric drums sound. The drumpads are the electric drums, basins, hi hat and bass drum. Some models are supplied with rubber drumpads, some with gauze drumpads and some with a combination of the two. Gauze drumpads approach the play characteristics of an acoustic drum set, because there's a real drum set on the path. Rubber drumpads are cheaper to produce, but obviously do not have the play properties of a gauze drumpad.


Electric drum Module

As mentioned above, the module is by far the most important component in electric drums. This determines not only the quality of the sounds, but also the number of sounds in the module. There are often an x number of pre-programmed drum kit in the module. In addition, many modules have the ability to make and store drums themselves. This way, as a drummer, you can put together your own perfect drum set. Other important parts of a module are the songs. In most modules they're pre-programmed numbers that you can drum on. These numbers are of the most diverse styles. From rock to latin and from jazz to electro. This way you can learn to play music in a fun and effective way.


What could possibly do with electric drums?

The electric drums module thus has many possibilities. Actually, they're kind of synthesizers in the form of a drum set. So you can create and save a lot of different sounds. Ideal if, for example, you want to record drums. But by far most people buy an electric drum set to practice at home. Whether they're beginners or professional drummers. Most electric drums play on this too. For example, by an aux connection. With this for example, you can connect your smartphone or tablet to the module and play along with your own favorite music on your phone. Often you will also find usb on the module. This often allows you to import new drum sounds or songs. So you can add more sounds to your electric drums. Also, almost every electronic drum kit has midi or another connection to connect your drum kit to your computer for even more possibilities.


Which model should I choose?

The model electric drum set you choose depends on what you are going to use the drum set for, what your wishes are in terms of possibilities and what your budget is. If you are a starting drummer and if you are looking within a limited budget, you can choose a boarding model with rubber drumpads. The play features are still secondary. You want a good drum set to practice at home. Let's see if you like it first. If you want better play features, you choose a model with gauze drumpads or a combination of gauze/rubber drumpads. The possibilities of the module also determine the price. If you want a lot of options to program and record, you better choose a more expensive model. Do you just want to practice a lot at home and find all these possibilities less interesting? Then a cheaper model will do you good. The configuration of electric drums is almost always the basic 5-Part set. Just say the most commonly used set-up where every drummer is perfect. to practice.


electric drum set beginners electric drum kit meshheads electric drums


What do the most common terms mean?

  • Drum unit: this is the English word for drum set
  • Module: the computer of the drum set which determines all possibilities
  • Meshhead: a drumpad with a gauze for better play properties
  • CymbalEnglish word for pelvis.
  • V-drums: Roland's most sold electric drums
  • Presets: Pre-programmed drum kits and songs
  • Hi Hat: The double pelvis at a drum set
  • Controller: a pedal used to simulate the hi hat
  • Rack: the tripod on which the electric drum set is mounted
  • Aux-in: a connection to connect, for example, a smartphone or tablet


Electrical drums maintained

Electric drums barely wear out. They therefore need little maintenance provided they are handled normally. The sheets of the gauze drumpads must be replaced every few years, depending on their use. You don't have to vote on electric drums. If something breaks down, Music All-in will be happy to help you fix it. We guarantee all new electric drums for no less than 5 years.


What should I consider when buying electric drums?

When buying electric drums, you pay close attention to the budget. Make sure you choose a module that fits your budget and your target. Do you practice mainly at home or do you want to take full advantage of the possibilities of programming and such? Do you want to expand your drum set later or is a basic configuration enough for you. Do you have any questions about buying electric drums? Our drummers will be happy to help you.
