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Buy guitar strings?

The strings on your instrument affect the sound and the playing feel. There are many different types of strings available. For all different instruments, of course. The most important properties of strings are in the material and thickness of the strings. As your strings get older, they sound less good and so does your instrument. In addition, they can break more quickly. Have you just started and are you unsure whether your strings need to be replaced? Keep an average of 3 months. Or see if there are many dark dull spots on the strings. That is a signal that your strings need to be replaced. Strings are not expensive and if you can put them on yourself, your guitar will sound indoors. no time like new again. At Music All In, we're happy to help you set up and explain it to you so you can do it yourself next time, and you can always contact us for professional advice.Read more...
guitar strings


Gitaarsnaren kopen?

Bij gitaren en andere snaarinstrumenten is de kwaliteit van de snaren van groot belang voor je uiteindelijke geluid. Zorg dat je de goede snaren kiest en vervang ze tijdig. Oude snaren verliezen hun sprankeling, ontstemmen sneller, spelen minder fijn en de kans wordt groter dat ze breken. Snaren vervangen kun je makkelijk zelf. Maar als je niet weet hoe, dan kunnen wij het ook voor je doen. We laten je dan ook graag zien hoe het moet, zodat je het de volgende keer gewoon zelf kan! Lees meer...


Gitaarsnaren kopen?

Bij gitaren en andere snaarinstrumenten is de kwaliteit van de snaren van groot belang voor je uiteindelijke geluid. Zorg dat je de goede snaren kiest en vervang ze tijdig. Oude snaren verliezen hun sprankeling, ontstemmen sneller, spelen minder fijn en de kans wordt groter dat ze breken. Snaren vervangen kun je makkelijk zelf. Maar als je niet weet hoe, dan kunnen wij het ook voor je doen. We laten je dan ook graag zien hoe het moet, zodat je het de volgende keer gewoon zelf kan! Lees meer...


Guitar strings

Strings for Western Guitar

Western guitars are also called steel string guitars. Classical guitars, for example, have nylon strings. The tension of steel strings is much higher than that of nylon strings. The neck of western guitars therefore has a truss rod (a kind of steel pin) that ensures that the high tension of the steel strings does not bend the neck. Classical guitars do not have this truss rod. That's why you can't just put steel strings on a classic (nylon string) guitar. Western guitar strings come in different materials. The most common are 80/20 bronze and phosphor bronze. Both have their own sound characteristics. 80/20 has a slightly brighter sound and phosphor bronze sounds a bit darker. You can recognize the strings by their color. 80/20 bronze strings are gold colored. phosphor bronze is copper colored.


In addition to the material, strings for western guitars also come in different thicknesses. The thinnest size is 0.10 to 0.46. The thickest (standard) size is 0.13 to 0.56. The thicker the strings, the more tone the string produces. But the heavier the guitar plays. Beginners therefore often choose 0.10. So that playing is easier. It is also good to know that you cannot just put a few sizes thicker or thinner on your guitar. Because the tension is different, the neck must be corrected. The guitar must then be readjusted. Are you unsure about which strings to choose or do you want to have your guitar readjusted? We are happy to help you.


Nylon strings for classical guitar

For classical guitars you use nylon strings. You can't put steel strings on this guitar. The higher tension of these strings warps your neck. Nylon strings have a nylon core. This makes the tension a lot lower. This also plays less heavy and therefore many starters opt for a classical guitar. Nylon strings come in different variations. The main difference is the tension. The higher the tension, the more the string can take. Starters often play on normal tension. But for example a Flamenco guitarist chooses hard tension or extra hard tension.


Strings for Electric Guitars

