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Buy synthesizer?

A synthesizer is a device that mimes sounds in a variety of ways. He's known for being a versatile device. So you've got them in all shapes and sizes. From small cupboards with only buttons on it. Until the modules with keys on it. The arrival of these devices has led to the music market for a complete U-turn. Whole new styles have come up with the advent of the synthesizer. Genres like techno, trance and dance never existed without this device.Read more ...
synthesizer department


Synthesizer kopen?

Een synthesizer is een apparaat dat op verschillende manieren geluiden nabootst. Hij staat erom bekend een veelzijdig apparaat te zijn. Je hebt ze dan ook in alle soorten en maten. Van kleine kastjes met alleen knoppen erop. Tot aan de modules met toetsen eraan. De komst van deze apparaten heeft voor een hele ommezwaai op de muziekmarkt gezorgd. Hele nieuwe stijlen zijn gekomen met de komst van de synthesizer. Genres als techno, trance en dance hadden nooit bestaan zonder dit apparaat. Lees meer...

synthesizer afdeling

Synthesizer kopen?

Een synthesizer is een apparaat dat op verschillende manieren geluiden nabootst. Hij staat erom bekend een veelzijdig apparaat te zijn. Je hebt ze dan ook in alle soorten en maten. Van kleine kastjes met alleen knoppen erop. Tot aan de modules met toetsen eraan. De komst van deze apparaten heeft voor een hele ommezwaai op de muziekmarkt gezorgd. Hele nieuwe stijlen zijn gekomen met de komst van de synthesizer. Genres als techno, trance en dance hadden nooit bestaan zonder dit apparaat. Lees meer...

synthesizer afdeling


Different types of synthesizers.

As has been said, it is a multifaceted instrument. Beyond that 1 synthesizer is quite versatile, there are also many different ones on the market. So there's digital synth's and analog. The analog ones are the synthesizers as they were originally made. All sounds are generated via electronics. Through oscillators, there comes a sound pulse to the rest of the device. You can adjust the pulses through the buttons and put you all the way to your hand. The analog synthesizer is practically always monofoon. That means that the device can produce one tone at a time. The digital synthesizer, on the other hand, has a sound sample and digital effects. So, this is all done through the computer. In a digital synth, you also have the ability to work with polyphonic sounds.


Application of the synthesizer.

As mentioned earlier, the synthesizer is a versatile instrument. All brands have their own specialism. One of them focuses more on the bastons. The other weather's on the lead sounds. In the digital world, you also have the polyphonic synthesizers. A lot of use is made of this to create strings or pads.

Synthesizer synthesizer analogue synthesizer workstation


Get on with a synthesizer myself?

What do you have to look after if you want to buy a synthesizer yourself? That's not an easy question. We often see that the analog synthesizers are bought by the real lover. The authentic sounds can come back in fairly specific situations. Not every analog synthesizer sounds just as good in more modern situations. Hence it is much to be found in the older styles of music. Be therefore well prepared for what style you want to make. It is only there that the choice of analogue or digital also applies to it. Analog will also be a lot more time to design your sound. In the digital world, you can often just pack and create presets from the computer. Where in an analog synthesizer you will always have to put everything back in. So you can say that digital synts are easier in use today. It will only always be a battle between the people who want the original. And the people who swear by the new.


Common terms

  • Oscillators: An oscillator you can see as the vocal cords of a Synthesizer. It generates a tone.
  • Lead: lead lines and parties can see you as the clearly audible party. These give the song a bit more atmosphere and colour.
  • Pad: Pads are carrying sounds in the music. They give atmosphere to a number. It's often in the back of the music. Pads are often only audible when many other instruments fall away.
  • Arpeggiator: a set loop that represents a broken chord. You don't need to play him yourself then.
  • Monofoon: the ability to play 1 tone at once.
  • Polyphone: The ability to play multiple tones at once.
  • Presets: literal translation is preset. So, you've already set up everything, and you can easily get there. So, you don't have to re-establish everything.
  • Filter: filters are used to adjust frequencies. So you can create a different sound from the base tone.
