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Buy LAG guitars?

The guitar brand LAG may not have been known to most guitarists for very long. But the brand has been around since 1981. It was in this year that Michel Lag made his first electric guitar in the sunny south of France. In the early years, Lag focused on building electric guitars for French guitarists. This changed when Michel Lag came into contact with the Algam company. Algam started out as a manufacturer, but turned into a musical instrument distribution company. Algam would become France's largest supplier. And one of the largest in Europe.Read more...
LAG Guitars


LAG gitaren kopen?

Het gitaarmerk LAG is wellicht nog niet heel lang bekend bij de meeste gitaristen. Maar het merk bestaat al sinds 1981. Het was in dit jaar dat Michel Lag in het zonnige zuiden van Frankrijk zijn eerste elektrische gitaar maakte. In de beginjaren legde Lag zich toe op het bouwen van elektrische gitaren voor Franse gitaristen. Dit veranderde toen Michel Lag in aanraking kwam met het bedrijf Algam. Algam was begonnen als fabrikant, maar veranderde in een distributiebedrijf voor muziekinstrumenten. Algam zou uitgroeien tot de grootste leverancier van Frankrijk. En een van de grootste van Europa. Lees meer...

LAG Guitars

LAG gitaren kopen?

Het gitaarmerk LAG is wellicht nog niet heel lang bekend bij de meeste gitaristen. Maar het merk bestaat al sinds 1981. Het was in dit jaar dat Michel Lag in het zonnige zuiden van Frankrijk zijn eerste elektrische gitaar maakte. In de beginjaren legde Lag zich toe op het bouwen van elektrische gitaren voor Franse gitaristen. Dit veranderde toen Michel Lag in aanraking kwam met het bedrijf Algam. Algam was begonnen als fabrikant, maar veranderde in een distributiebedrijf voor muziekinstrumenten. Algam zou uitgroeien tot de grootste leverancier van Frankrijk. En een van de grootste van Europa. Lees meer...

LAG Guitars


New guitar brand LAG

Algam was looking for its own guitars production line. Both acoustic as electrical. Here Michel Lag and Algam found each other. Within 10 years, the LAG brand grows into a well-known player. However, with the largest share in acoustic guitars. The company has its own production facilities in China and France and does not just build acoustic guitars from existing models. It is an innovative company. For example, look at the HyVibe guitars. The company now makes guitars with its own style. And are known for the elegant models, oval rosettes and beautiful woods that are used.


The quality of LAG

At Music All-in we have been a LAG dealer for years. The 4 seasons series was once one of our best-selling models. We are again very pleasantly surprised with the new models and series. The elegant guitars look beautiful. But what appeals to us even more is the quality of the sound and the perfect adjustment. LAG and Algam devote a lot of work to this. Every guitar is carefully inspected and adjusted by professionals in France. Before the guitars are shipped to the stores.


LAG guitars shop

In short, the guitars from LAG are very nice instruments that are very suitable for both beginning and advanced musicians. Many models are semi-acoustic and therefore perfect for use on stage. Or to take home with you. Also the HyVibe models. An acoustic guitar with built-in effects, looper and aux-in capabilities is a great model. One that you really have to experience for yourself. You can buy all LAG models online from us. We ship guitars to satisfied customers every week. Throughout the Benelux. Do you want to play first? Then come to our store in Noordwijk.
