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Buy Ibanez?

When you look at our electric guitar department, this brand probably stands out the most. Ibanez has been supplying electric and bass guitars, as well as acoustic guitars for years. The name sounds quite Spanish for a Japanese company. It refers to the Spanish string instrument maker Salvador Ibáñez. Under this name, the company started building guitars, inspired by established brands such as Fender, Gibson and Rickenbacker. But since the Ibanez Iceman, she noticed that original designs were more popular. Various types of Ibanez guitars are now being made. And not just anymore in Japan, but also in Indonesia, China and the United States.Read more...
Ibanez Guitars


Ibanez kopen?

Wanneer je kijkt naar onze elektrische gitaarafdeling valt dit merk waarschijnlijk het meeste op. Ibanez levert al jaren elektrische- en basgitaren, maar ook akoestische. De naam klinkt vrij Spaans voor een Japans bedrijf. Het refereert naar de Spaanse snaarinstrumentbouwer Salvador Ibáñez. Onder deze naam begon het bedrijf met het bouwen van gitaren, geïnspireerd door gevestigde merken zoals Fender, Gibson en Rickenbacker. Maar sinds de Ibanez Iceman merkte ze dat originele ontwerpen toch beter in de smaak vielen. Inmiddels worden er verschillende soorten Ibanez gitaren gemaakt. En niet alleen meer in Japan, maar ook in Indonesië, China en de Verenigde Staten. Lees meer...

Ibanez kopen?

Wanneer je kijkt naar onze elektrische gitaarafdeling valt dit merk waarschijnlijk het meeste op. Ibanez levert al jaren elektrische- en basgitaren, maar ook akoestische. De naam klinkt vrij Spaans voor een Japans bedrijf. Het refereert naar de Spaanse snaarinstrumentbouwer Salvador Ibáñez. Onder deze naam begon het bedrijf met het bouwen van gitaren, geïnspireerd door gevestigde merken zoals Fender, Gibson en Rickenbacker. Maar sinds de Ibanez Iceman merkte ze dat originele ontwerpen toch beter in de smaak vielen. Inmiddels worden er verschillende soorten Ibanez gitaren gemaakt. En niet alleen meer in Japan, maar ook in Indonesië, China en de Verenigde Staten. Lees meer...

Ibanez Gitaren


The most famous models

Ibanez has proven itself as one of the best in rock and metal electric guitars. Well-known virtuoso guitarists Steve Vai and Joe Satriani both use Ibanez guitars to showcase their guitar skills. Steve Vai's signature JEM modelor the cheaper RG series is what most have on their minds at Ibanez. But you are actually doing the brand short. The bass guitarsfrom Ibanez are extremely versatile thanks to their advanced technologies, so that they can fully come into their own in any genre. Hollowbody guitars are also respected in the Jazz and blues world. In addition, their own guitar heroes such as George Benson, who also designed a signature model with Ibanez.

Ibanez Acoustic Guitars

Besides electric guitars, there are plenty of different ones western guitars. These range from ideal beginner guitars to professional models that can compete with Martin. Every once in a while, Ibanez goes back to their name roots and brings one classical guitar from. As with the electric guitars, they are designed so that everyone can develop their playing style without limit. This is of course necessary for professionals, but also extremely useful for beginners. With a reasonable entry-level model, you can have fun and practice for years, without getting the feeling that your instrument is holding you back.

Ibanez at Music All In

That is why we like to have many Ibanez products in stock. The electric models are perfect for learning to play the guitar and finding your own way. The finishes are always beautiful, be it acoustic guitars or bass guitars. And then we haven't said anything about the guitar effectslike the Tubescreamer overdrive. If you have not yet managed to persuade you to buy an Ibanez, you can always go to our store come to try one out.
