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Ask someone who doesn't know about music: "You should call a guitar brand?" And the chances are very high that the person in question says, “fender.” So large has the company become fender since its founding in 1946. A guitar that has earned its place in the musical world and has always managed to preserve it. With an assortment that remains fairly equal over the years, it is developed mainly on the current models. This is how a good guitar becomes a very good one, and a very good guitar is a fantastic guitar.Read more...



Vraag aan iemand die niks weet van muziek: “noem eens een gitaarmerk?”. En de kans is heel groot dat de persoon in kwestie zegt: “fender”. Zo groot is het bedrijf fender geworden sinds de oprichting in 1946. Een gitaar die zijn plek in de muzikale wereld heeft verdiend en altijd heeft weten te behouden. Met een assortiment dat door de jaren heen redelijk gelijk blijft wordt er voornamelijk op de huidige modellen door ontwikkelt. Zo wordt een goede gitaar een hele goede, en een hele goede gitaar een fantastische gitaar.  Lees meer...

Fender Gitaren


Vraag aan iemand die niks weet van muziek: “noem eens een gitaarmerk?”. En de kans is heel groot dat de persoon in kwestie zegt: “fender”. Zo groot is het bedrijf fender geworden sinds de oprichting in 1946. Een gitaar die zijn plek in de muzikale wereld heeft verdiend en altijd heeft weten te behouden. Met een assortiment dat door de jaren heen redelijk gelijk blijft wordt er voornamelijk op de huidige modellen door ontwikkelt. Zo wordt een goede gitaar een hele goede, en een hele goede gitaar een fantastische gitaar.  Lees meer...

Fender Gitaren


History of Fender

Before Leo Fender had started his business there were a number of electric guitars. Now it wasn’t fender’s vision of making the first electric guitar either. She wanted to put a good solidbody on the market and thereby streamlined production. Building a guitar is an art in itself. Large-scale production of only good guitars, that is a second.

In 1951, it came, the Telecaster. The first electric guitar to enter the major production at Fender. At the time, Fender Esquier was named, and not long after that, Fender came up with the Precision Bass. The replacement of the double bass. Furthermore, the double bass described by fender as “dog house”. In the years following this, the Stratocaster also came out. These three guitars are at the base of the sound of music in a rather broad sense.


Fender Telecaster

The Fender Telecaster. The first model Fender released. It's a pretty wide-ranging guitar. However, you see it significantly more in certain styles than others. Through his slightly more sparkling sound, you see him coming back a lot in blues and country. The typical sound of the bridge element is therefore heard in it quickly. Artists like Jeff Buckley, Bob Dylan and Bruce Springsteen played on a Telecaster. And that's just a very small grip in big names that played this guitar.


Fender Stratocaster

The second showpiece from Leo Fender's guitar collection. This guitar is one of the most sold and copied guitars of fender. A guitar that beams through its all-around employability. It's a 3-element guitar. A bridge, neck and center element. Provision of a 5-stand switch. This allows you to get many different sounds from 1 guitar. The most typical Stratocaster sound comes particularly from the positions the middle element is used in. This then results in many guitarists choosing this guitar. For example, think of: John Mayer, Eric Clapton, Stevie Ray Vaughn and David Gilmour.



The first electric bass which went into mass production and sold in large languages. Previously, the double bass was used. But a bass with ferrets and electronics proved in the music as it emerged at the time the better solution anyway. With practically every major band and musician, there was a bassist with a Precision bass on stage at the time. To this day, this remains one of fender's best-selling basses.
