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Buy Ashdown Basenhankers?

The Ashdown brand was founded in 1997 by Mark Gooday. An experienced amplifier builder. He built basic amplifiers for several large brands for several years. Mark was a pioneer in approach to producing. After winning various awards on a.o. the Namm show, he makes his dream come true. He started a custom-amplifier brand. Ashdown!Read more ...
Ashdown Basamp


Ashdown Basversterkers kopen?

Het merk Ashdown is opgericht in 1997 door Mark Gooday. Een ervaren versterker bouwer. Hij bouwde hiervoor al jaren basversterkers bouwde voor enkele grote merken. Mark was een pionier qua benadering van produceren. Na het winnen van diverse awards op o.a. de Namm show, maakt hij zijn droom waar. Hij startte een eigen basversterker merk. Ashdown! Lees meer...

Ashdown Versterkers

Ashdown Basversterkers kopen?

Het merk Ashdown is opgericht in 1997 door Mark Gooday. Een ervaren versterker bouwer. Hij bouwde hiervoor al jaren basversterkers bouwde voor enkele grote merken. Mark was een pionier qua benadering van produceren. Na het winnen van diverse awards op o.a. de Namm show, maakt hij zijn droom waar. Hij startte een eigen basversterker merk. Ashdown! Lees meer...

Ashdown Versterkers


The first model: the ABM

The first model he built was the ABM. He built these first amplifiers in his living room. Between his wife and children. During the day, he drove past music shops across the UK to bring his Ashdown basenhankers to the man. The first reactions to the ABM amplifier were overwhelmingly positive. Many leading bassists in England bought the model. The trademark VU meter, now widely known, began to attack on podiums throughout the country.


Popular bass amplifiers

Soon, Mark expanded the line with more models. In different price ranges. For example, Ashdown's base amplifiers were reachable for everyone. Not only the professional models, but also cheap starters models like the STUDIOJNR Became very popular. The highlight of the popularity was between 2000 and 2010. In the Netherlands, the bass amplifiers were unfortunately poorly available. Due to various changes in suppliers, the brand became less and less visible. Fortunately, Ashdown is back all the way back.


Ashdown amplifier shop

We are a fan of these basenhancers. The affordable models are very popular with us in the store. You can buy Ashdown with us online. We send amplifiers every week to happy customers. Through the whole Benelux. Do you want to test the different models first? Of course, that could be our shop in Noordwijk. Isn't your model in stock? Call us and we'll take care of it soon. Even if you have any questions we will be happy to help you!
