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The top 10 most popular musical instruments

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These are the most popular musical instruments

Would you also like to make music, but you don't know yet which musical instrument is the best choice for you? Or would you like your children to make music, but are you unsure whether they are of the right age and whether you choose a musical instrument that is suitable for a child? Below you can read what the most popular musical instruments are, from what age they are suitable and why. Based on the numbers sold, we have made a top 10 that will certainly help you with your choice.



10. Cello

The cello has become more and more popular in recent years. The warm and intense sounds of the instrument ensure that you can play very cool pieces solo. In addition, the cello is used in various musical formations such as string quartets and orchestras. When you think of a cello, you probably don't immediately think of an instrument for children. But cellos are made in different sizes. This also allows children to learn to play the cello.

Age from: 8 years
Difficulty: Medium





9. Trumpet

Trumpet is still one of the most popular wind instruments to play. You will find the trumpet in the most diverse genres and musical groups. From fun chapel to harmony and from funk band to orchestra. A trumpet has 3 valves with which you can make notes. Unlike a saxophone which has more than 10 pressure valves. With a trumpet you make a large part of the notes with your lips in the mouthpiece. This makes it a tough tool to master the basics. But no less fun of course!

Age from: 8 years
Difficulty: Medium





8. Flute

The flute has been one of the most popular wind instruments for decades. It is a popular instrument mainly among ladies and girls. But there are also plenty of men who play the instrument. To become a good flutist you obviously have to put in a lot of time. Just like any other instrument. The basics, on the other hand, can be mastered fairly quickly. This allows you to master your first songs relatively quickly. Professional flutes can be very expensive, as these are often made of precious metals. But beginner flutes are available from a few hundred euros.

Age from: 8 years
Difficulty: Easy




7. Violin

In recent years, the violin has become more and more popular in our store. Perhaps due to the increasing popularity of modern classical music by Yann Tiersen or Hans Zimmer, among others. Whatever the reason, the violin remains a much-chosen instrument. The violin can be quite tough to start with. Pure playing is more difficult with a violin than, for example, with a guitar, where the neck is divided into compartments. Violins are made in many different sizes. Even the youngest children would be able to play the violin at a size suitable for them. Yet from 6 years old it is an age that children can really take steps.

Age from: 6 years
Difficulty: Medium



playing keyboard

6. Keyboard

Playing keyboard may have lost some popularity over the years compared to playing the piano, but it is still one of the best-selling products in our music store. Many people think that playing the keyboard is the same as playing the piano, but it is really different instruments. With keyboard you play chords with your left hand and the melody with your right hand. In the keyboard you can then choose all kinds of styles, rhythms and sounds to play the entire band on your own. The basics of a keyboard are quickly mastered and you will quickly achieve results with your first songs.

Age: from 5 years old
Difficulty: Easy



play the drums

5. Drumming

Not usually the neighbors' favorite instrument. But nowadays you can also practice silently at home with the advent of electric drum sets. Drumming can be experienced as difficult by beginners. In the beginning it is difficult for many starters to play rhythms and let your hands and legs all do something different at the same time. Some have mastered it right away. Others may take a while to get to their first rhythms properly. But to get really good, we all have to practice just as hard.

Age from: 6 years
Difficulty: Difficult




alto saxophone

4. Saxophone

The saxophone remains immensely popular. It is still the most sold wind instrument. Besides that a saxophone is used from pop music to classical music and everything in between, there is another reason. The saxophone is a very accessible instrument. Saxophone is the easiest wind instrument to start with. The most used saxophone among beginners is the alto saxophone. These can be purchased from a few hundred euros. There is also a wide range of second-hand saxophones. Good choice for adults and children who would like to learn to play a wind instrument.

Age from: 8 years
Difficulty: Easy




3. Ukulele

Perhaps the happiest sounding instrument there is. The ukulele has become unprecedentedly popular. And that is not surprising. The ukuleles is a very accessible instrument. It is an easy to play instrument. The grips are quite simple and the nylon strings do not take much force in your fingers. Ukuleles come in different sizes. Most common from major to minor: Sopranino, soprano, concert and tenor. The soprano and concert ukulele are the most popular among starters.

Age: from 5 years old
Difficulty: Easy





2. Piano

The piano is the most versatile instrument of all. Popular for years, but especially in the last few years the popularity has increased enormously. Perhaps also because nowadays you don't necessarily have to buy an expensive acoustic piano before you can start playing. You can also get started with a limited budget. And with the advent of the electric piano, you can also practice in silence. You can often master the first exercises of playing the piano fairly quickly. So it is a relatively easy tool to start with. Whether you like pop or classic. You can play it all on the piano.

Age: from 5 years old
Difficulty: Easy



1. Guitar

The "winner" from the list is the guitar. We sell this instrument more than any other. The guitar is an incredibly versatile instrument and you can hear it in almost all styles of music. There are a number of different types of guitars. Western guitars, classical guitars and electric guitars. All with their own characteristics. The best-selling guitars are western guitars, but starters often also opt for a classical guitar. These are lower in purchase price and cost less force in your fingers due to the nylon strings. The guitar is a tough instrument to start with. it may take a while before you play your first songs

Age from: 6 years
Difficulty: Difficult

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