Music All In Blog
How to easily create a video with professional audio. Choose the right microphone for the right situation.
A tuner is a super convenient, almost indispensable accessory when you play guitar. But how does such a tuner work? We explain to you how to tune a guitar, bass or ukulele using a tuner.
We have a nice offer on a complete Ukulele beginner set! A cheerful and accessible instrument, which you can start this year with great pleasure. Get a free course book now at 24.95!
You're going to play guitar! But what should you look out for when you buy an acoustic guitar? What are the differences, and what are the important features. Music All In explains it to you.
Would you also like to make music, but you don't know yet which musical instrument is the best choice for you? Or would you like your children to make music, but are you unsure whether they are of the right age and whether you choose a musical instrument that is suitable for a child?
It is very nice to see more and more home studios emerge. Musicians who play one or more instruments are increasingly experimenting with their own studio. One takes this slowly and keeps it small. The other builds up a professional studio over time. Everything is possible and everything is possible.
The ukulele has been one of the most popular instruments in our store for years.Especially for all beginners therefore here the top 5 best ukulele's for starters of 2020.