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The best sales guide for the acoustic guitar

  • 6 Read time

Guide to the acoustic guitar for beginners

If you want to play guitar, you'll probably soon buy your own guitar. Maybe you can borrow one from a friend or neighbor at the beginning. But if you really want to learn, your own instrument is essential. Why is one guitar expensive, the other cheap? What kind of guitars are there? Which one's good for me? What do you pay attention to when you buy a guitar? In short, which guitar is the best purchase for you!


Different types of acoustic guitars

There are several acoustic guitars. All with their own characteristics and advantages and disadvantages for beginners. But the main two are the Western guitar and the classical guitarYeah. Both guitars are good to start with. Below the differences and at the bottom of the page two films in which you can clearly hear the difference in sound.


Western guitar

Western guitars

Western guitars are acoustic guitars with Steel wire. So you don't have any. amplifier needed to make noise. These guitars have a large sound box that produces sound. A western guitar is often a larger model guitar. Bigger than a classic guitar. The steel strings provide a sound that can be applied in almost every style of music. Western guitars are the most popular guitars, also to start with.

Features: Steel strings, Bigger sound box, Thin neck,
Sound: Heroes, Knucklehead


classical guitar

Classic guitars

Classic guitars are like western guitars, acoustic. No amplifier needed! However, classical guitars have nylon stringYeah. An important difference as far as westerns are concerned. This makes a completely different sound than the western guitar. Namely, a more classic sound. The advantage of nylon strings is that they have a much lower voltage than steel strings. This reduces the power of playing on a nylon-snarky guitar. So this plays lighter and easier.

Features: Nylon strings, Small sound box, Wide neck
SoundW: Warm and classic


Parts of an acoustic guitar

acoustic guitar partsProbably a lot of terms don't tell you much anymore. See this image to see which parts the guitar is made of and how they are called.


1. Soundbox (body)

2. Top

3. Slag plate

Four. Useful

Five. Soundhole

Six. Cutaway.

Seven. Neck (neck)

Eight. Toes

Nine. Topic

Ten. Voice mechanics (tuner)

11. Headstock


Think about which guitar you're talking to the most. On all types of guitars you can learn to play fine guitar. But Western and classical guitars generally have a slightly lower entry price than the electric guitar.


What should I watch when buying a guitar?

There are three important parts to compare guitars. These are:

  1. Appearance
  2. Sound
  3. Toys


AppearanceWhat do you like? And what not. Guitars come in many different colors and finishes. Pick something you like? One likes a beautiful high-gloss sunburst color, but someone else perhaps more of a natural mismatch finish. It doesn't matter, but pick something you like.

SoundVery important. First you choose which style of guitar in terms of sound you most appeal to. The modern sound of a western or rather a classic-sounding nylon snarky guitar. Once you have made a choice in this, you notice a number of details and properties.

Various forms of the sound box

The shape of the sound box determines the sound. There are different forms of sound cabinet all with their own sound. Known forms are the dreadnought, Grand auditoriumjumbo, jumbo, hairOne thousand. If you're young or not that big a guitar with a smaller sound box is probably nicer for you to play.

Various types of wood

The wood used for the guitar is very decisive for the sound. If beautiful timber is used then the guitar sounds a lot better than when your guitar is made of mined wood. Guitars are made of all kinds of wood. From sparrow wood to the most tropical species such as cocobolo, koa and other species. The more expensive the type of wood, the more expensive the guitar, of course. If we look at starter guitars, you usually come up with the affordable wood types. The most common are spruce and mahogany. The type of wood determines the sound, but one species is no better than the other. The sound is different, not worse or better. As a donkey bridge you can assume the darker the wood type, the darker the sound of the guitar.

Solid top

The type of wood is therefore not decisive for the quality of the sound, but only for the colour of the sound. What does determine the sound quality is whether the wood is solid or mined. Fully massive guitars are only available in more expensive price classes. Complete massive guitars are not starter models and most people do not start on a massive guitar either. Most of them starter are mined. So pressed wood with a nice print of a wood finish on top. Kind of like a laminate floor. It works fine, but the sound is obviously not the best. Many, somewhat more expensive starter guitars therefore have a massive top sheet. The top page is the most important part of the sound box. This largely determines the sound. A guitar with a solid top sounds warmer and is really recommended if it falls within your budget.

How does the guitar play?

A guitar that plays well is better to practice. And as a starter, it's best to go for a light-playing guitar. This makes it easier for you to learn to play guitar. Choose a guitar with a good setting and thin strings. For example, a set of 010 or 011. You can basically have each guitar set to your own taste. But if you have a cheap guitar reset to make it play lighter, then pay a lot of money for a guitar that may not be worth it. So choose a guitar that is tuned for a beginner.

Western string guitar

The steel strings of a Western guitar

string classical guitar

The nylon strings of a classic guitar

Semi-acoustic guitar or not?

One semi acoustic guitar is an acoustic guitar that you can also mount. An amplifier can be connected. And. These guitars are pre-amp. A preamplifier that sends the sound to the amplifier. These guitars are often fitted with a voting machine, which is also very useful. A semi-acoustic guitar is not necessary for a beginner, but it can be fun. You could do a little more with it. In addition, some guitars are only published as semi-acoustic models. If this is the guitar you love, then the fact that it's semi-acoustic isn't a disadvantage either. Not even when you're probably not using.

Is it wise to buy a guitar online?

Yes, that's fine. Make sure you read in advance about the specifications and that you buy the guitar from a party that can help you further when you might not like the guitar. Especially when you buy a more expensive model it is nice when you can fall back on a batch that can adjust, provide maintenance and warranty and possibly also repair.  The same money for a used guitar. Often you buy a better model for a small price. But pay attention to the damage in the case of a second-hand. Scratch and dents aren't bad. But cracks in the sound box do have a negative influence on the sound. So always check with good photos and descriptions to see if there is any damage.

How to make a final choice

You now know what to look out for when you buy a guitar. In the end, you have to make some important choices yourself.

  1. Choose between a western or a classical guitar
  2. Choose a budget you want to spend on a guitar
  3. Aren't you that big or is the guitar for a kid? Consider a smaller soundbox
  4. Choose a guitar you like in terms of looks
  5. Consider whether you want a semi-acoustic guitar, or whether you necessarily don't
  6. Compare the descriptions and specifications with each other and if it is a second hand, check all the photos for any damage.


Handy accessories

A number of products are super useful, actually indispensable if you are going to play guitar. Here's a list of accessories that's best purchased at the same time:

  1. Tuner (indispensable)
  2. Guitar stand (indispensable)
  3. Cover or suitcase (indispensable if you want to bring the guitar)
  4. Capo (super handy, but not indispensable)
  5. Guitar band (super handy if you want to stand while playing)
  6. Plektrum (indispensable)
  7. Extra set of strings (Super-handy should a string break)


One can find his favorite guitar online. The other likes to be informed in the store and even to hold the different models. Do you doubt what to do? You are always welcome in our music store in Noordwijk and we are also happy to help you by phone, whatsapp or email if you have any questions about buying a guitar.


Difference between classical and western guitar hearing?

What does a western guitar sound like? And what does a classical guitar sound like? In these two videos you can clearly hear the difference in character between the two types of guitars.




1 Comment



July 09, 2021

Hallo, ik speel nu ongeveer twee jaar ukelele en ben pas ook met gitaar spelen begonnen. Ik kan het al een beetje aangezien slagjes etc hetzelfde is als op ukelele. Ik had een gitaar met stalen snaren, maar die heb ik weggedaan omdat de stalen snaren mij niet bevielen. Ik merkte dat ik steeds weer de ukelele pakte door de nylon snaren en dat ik daardoor veel meer plezier had in het spelen. Nu zoek ik dus een klassieke gitaar met nylon snaren. Ik zou graag een goede gitaar willen, waar ik ook als gevorderde jaren mee vooruit kan. Eentje die licht speelt en niet al te zwaar klinkt. Ik heb goede verhalen gelezen over alhambra gitaren. Zou dat geschikt voor mij zijn, en welke raad u mij dan aan? De 2C of een andere alhambra, of helemaal een ander merk? Helaas woon ik te ver weg om in de winkel langs te komen en is hier ook geen muziekwinkel echt in de buurt. Vandaar dat ik graag online een gitaar wil kopen, maar ik kan nog wel wat advies gebruiken. Groetjes Joyce

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