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Buy a keyboard?

A keyboard is a wonderful example of an all-round instrument. Few instruments are so versatile. It is an instrument with all other instruments incorporated in it. In a keyboard you will find different sounds. For example Hammond organ, rhodes, electric guitars, accordion, drum sets and much more. In addition, you also get some effects built in on the more extensive variants. Think of delay, reverb and effects like this. The nice thing is that you can use a keyboard in many ways. You can use him as a singer as an accompaniment. But this instrument can also be perfectly implemented in a band.Read more...
keyboard department


Keyboard kopen?

Het keyboard is zo’n beetje het meest veelzijdige instrument wat er is. Hij ziet er een beetje uit als een elektrische piano maar is veel meer dan dat. Eigenlijk is er geen instrument denkbaar dat je niet uit een keyboard kunt toveren. Orgels, strings, blaasinstrumenten, elektrische en akoestische gitaren en zelfs drums. En niet alleen heb je de keuze uit verschillende instrumenten, je kunt jezelf ook door een voltallige band laten begeleiden en zodoende dus in je eentje een compleet optreden bezorgen. Of gebruik een keyboard voor het arrangeren van je eigen muziekstukken. In een band kun je als keyboardspeler de perfecte aanvulling zijn, door alle instrumenten te spelen die in een bepaald muziekstuk ontbreken.Lees meer...

keyboard afdeling

Keyboard kopen?

Het keyboard is zo’n beetje het meest veelzijdige instrument wat er is. Hij ziet er een beetje uit als een elektrische piano maar is veel meer dan dat. Eigenlijk is er geen instrument denkbaar dat je niet uit een keyboard kunt toveren. Orgels, strings, blaasinstrumenten, elektrische en akoestische gitaren en zelfs drums. En niet alleen heb je de keuze uit verschillende instrumenten, je kunt jezelf ook door een voltallige band laten begeleiden en zodoende dus in je eentje een compleet optreden bezorgen. Of gebruik een keyboard voor het arrangeren van je eigen muziekstukken. In een band kun je als keyboardspeler de perfecte aanvulling zijn, door alle instrumenten te spelen die in een bepaald muziekstuk ontbreken.Lees meer...

keyboard afdeling


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A keyboard as a starting pianist

Buying a keyboard as a starting pianist can sometimes be a very good idea. As a music store, we have some reticence about this. There is a big difference between a keyboard and a piano. Namely the keyboard. A keyboard always has an unweighted keyboard and a piano a weighted keyboard. This means that a keyboard has a very light touch and a piano has a weighted key. Of course, a beginner's board is a lot cheaper than a piano. And we also understand that it is a good way to see if you like the keyboard playing.


A keyboard on stage

On stage with your keyboard. A wonderful way to hear an entire band that is not playing live. All real keyboards feature different styles and songs. Those styles follow what you play in terms of chords. This way you can play entire songs with a full band while sitting alone. There are whole orchestral tapes for sale especially for these kinds of performances.


Using a keyboard in a band

A keyboard in a band is often used as an extra sound module. The keyboard player then stands with 1 or two boards, depending on what he or she likes. For example, you can create a pianowith an extra keyboard. This way you can quickly switch from piano to, for example, a Hammond organ. And if you want to play a dance song once, you can quickly switch from your piano to a lead instrument.


What makes the keyboards so different?

As with many instruments, you also have many price ranges. What makes the difference now? The difference is in a number of things. One of these is touch response. The cheapest keyboards are often not touch sensitive. This means that no matter how hard or how soft you press a key. The note will always come out of the speakers with the same loudness. As the keyboards become more expensive, you notice that they also respond better. And become much more sensitive. Now it remains difficult to dose properly for an unweighted keyboard. That is why many pianists are not quick to play on a keyboard. There is of course much more besides the touch sensitivity. One of the most important things that makes a big difference is the quality of the sounds. Which instruments were sampled and how were they sampled. With a cheap keyboard, there will be a piano sound that sounds reasonable. The expensive boards contain ten pianos, all of which sound fantastic.

keyboard keyboard beginner keyboard cheap

In short

A keyboard is available for the beginning and the advanced musician. A keyboard for everyone that suits him or her. As a beginning musician, make sure you take an unweighted keyboard into account. It may be heard later in your game. Above all, it is of course a wonderful instrument to get started with. It has endless possibilities. So actually there is always something you can use.


Common terms.

  • Pitch bender: A slider that can raise or lower the notes by a whole or a half note.
  • Mod wheel: The wheel on a keyboard that adjusts the klan color from, for example. Synthesizers.
  • Sound effects: sounds like: footsteps, fireworks, squeaky doors etc.
  • Delay: A form of ultrasound.
  • Reverb: the musical term for reverberation.
  • Weighted keyboard: Keyboard with a heavily increased keystroke. Can pass through lead under the keys or hammer mechanisms.
  • Unweighted keyboard: lightly playing keys. Most common with keyboards and synthesizers
  • Agreements: Multiple notes played at the same time that come together to a harmonious whole.
  • Sound module: Device or cabinet that creates sounds. Can sit in a keyboard or be connected separately from the board. This is where extra sounds and instruments come from.
  • Internal sounds: sounds that are on the instrument's internal memory.
  • Sampelen: Recording and making an instrument digital. so it can be used in a digital piano or something like that.
