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Buy Folk guitar?

When buying a folk guitar there are several options you can look at. It is an overarching name for several instruments. Folk music is a style in which each instrument plays in its own octave. So where you have 7 octaves (and three bass notes) at a piano, you almost always play with folk music in your own octave. So the mandolin is in a higher octave than a banjo. And a banjo higher than a bass guitar. The various instruments together give a broad soundtrack again.Read more...
folk division


Folk gitaar kopen?

Bij het kopen van een folk gitaar zijn er meerdere opties waar je naar kan kijken. Het is namelijk een overkoepelende naam voor meerdere instrumenten. Folk muziek is een stijl waarbij elk instrument in een eigen octaaf speelt. Waar je dus bij een piano 7 octaven hebt (en drie basnoten), speel je met folkmuziek bijna altijd in je eigen octaaf. Zo zit de mandoline in een hogere octaaf dan een banjo. En een banjo weer hoger dan een basgitaar. De verschillende instrumenten samen geven een breed geluidsbeeld weer. Lees meer...

folk afdeling

Folk gitaar kopen?

Bij het kopen van een folk gitaar zijn er meerdere opties waar je naar kan kijken. Het is namelijk een overkoepelende naam voor meerdere instrumenten. Folk muziek is een stijl waarbij elk instrument in een eigen octaaf speelt. Waar je dus bij een piano 7 octaven hebt (en drie basnoten), speel je met folkmuziek bijna altijd in je eigen octaaf. Zo zit de mandoline in een hogere octaaf dan een banjo. En een banjo weer hoger dan een basgitaar. De verschillende instrumenten samen geven een breed geluidsbeeld weer. Lees meer...

folk afdeling


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Different folk instruments.

The most famous folk guitars are mandolin, Banjo and Resonator guitar. Each of these instruments has its own sound. In many of the instruments they are also voted differently than a regular guitar.



A mandolin is the smallest of the couple. It's an 8-snarly little guitar where you hear four different tones. The vote shall be taken by a two-string vote. The attentive guitarist will notice that these are the 4 thickest strings of your guitar only in reverse order. The characteristic sound is very common in folk music. Now, however, we have recently seen the mandolin growing in more styles. Including the acoustic pop music. The sound of the mandolin is not in the foreground but rather very “deep in the mix". This means that it can be heard softly in the song in the background. This is because he's in the high-frequency area. In many music styles, that area is not very strongly represented. So if you play live or record a cd you can fill this area with a mandolin.



The banjo is an instrument that is not unknown to many. You have this fantastic string instrument in several variants. The 4-string banjo and the 5-String banjo are the best known differences. The 4-String banjo is often used in Irish folk music, for example. The real original folk music in Ireland. The instrument is used as a melody instrument. We see that in many other genres more use is made of it as a rhythmic percussion instrument. The 5-String banjo is like by default, more of a melodic instrument. There is more talk of tickling or finger-picking. You see this a lot in the country-like Styles. Think of Bluegrass, western and many other variants in this style. In addition to these two you also have the ukulele banjo, the mandolin banjo and the guitar banjo. These are as the name suggests, crosses between the two instruments you see in the name.


Resonator guitar

A resonator guitar resembles a “normal guitar”in appearance. The shape is exactly the same. The difference is in the sound box. The Soundbox of a resonator guitar is for seeing a resonator. (How could it not be otherwise). A Resonator is another word for cavities or spaces that amplify sound. A resonator guitar is therefore considerably harder than a regular guitar. But there are other things that characterize the resonator guitar. He often has a metal-like sound compared to a regular guitar. In addition to these sound differences, there is also an alternative in play style. For example, a resonator guitar often uses a Slide. A metal ring or bar that allows you to slide over the strings to the right tone. This is reflected in many Folketing styles. Think of country of blues, for example.


 banjo mandolin resonator


In brief

In addition to the instruments mentioned above, there are many other instruments used in the Folketing. One more familiar than the other. At least all of them have their own sound and character. Now, would you like to see what you can find in this area? Feel free to call us or stop by the store.


Common terms.

  • Tuners: buttons on top of the head of the guitar
  • Bridge: the place where the strings are attached to the sound box.
  • Neck: the neck of the guitar. The longer thin part on the guitar.
  • Body: the wider part of the guitar. Also called the soundbox.




