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Buy a digital piano?

What exactly is a digital piano? A digital piano is a piano that works completely electrically. It is generally built a bit smaller than an acoustic piano. This means it takes up less space. In addition, like many electronic instruments, it is equipped with a volume knob. Partly for this reason, we see the digital piano more and more in ordinary households. Practicing on the piano is therefore becoming increasingly accessible. This is also due to the possibility of headphones. Your immediate environment will therefore not be bothered by your practice. This is seen as one of the great advantages. In addition, an electric piano also has a much wider range of sounds. In many cases, you do not have 1 piano but multiple pianos in your digital piano. And there are also other sounds in the piano. So you don't just get a piano at home.Read more...
digital piano department


Jouw ideale digitale piano vind je bij Music All In

In onze muziekwinkel in Noordwijk vind je een van de mooiste piano showrooms van Nederland. Naast een collectie akoestische piano's en vleugels, begeef je je tussen de nieuwste digitale piano's.  Van de perfecte starters piano tot de prachtige modellen, speciaal ontworpen voor de woonkamer.  Bij ons vind je het complete aanbod. Je kunt alle modellen natuurlijk bespelen en ze in het echt zien. Onze specialisten helpen je graag met al je vragen en leggen je het verschil uit tussen alle verschillende modellen. Op basis waarvan kies je welke piano bij jouw past? Dat leggen we je hieronder uit. Lees meer...

Jouw ideale digitale piano vind je bij Music All In

In onze muziekwinkel in Noordwijk vind je een van de mooiste piano showrooms van Nederland. Naast een collectie akoestische piano's en vleugels, begeef je je tussen de nieuwste digitale piano's.  Van de perfecte starters piano tot de prachtige modellen, speciaal ontworpen voor de woonkamer.  Bij ons vind je het complete aanbod. Je kunt alle modellen natuurlijk bespelen en ze in het echt zien. Onze specialisten helpen je graag met al je vragen en leggen je het verschil uit tussen alle verschillende modellen. Op basis waarvan kies je welke piano bij jouw past? Dat leggen we je hieronder uit. Lees meer...

Digital piano

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What should I pay attention to if I want to buy an electric piano?

There are several points to consider when purchasing an electric piano. Many of the things you have to take into account are very personal. If you are just starting to play the piano, you will be less critical. If you are already more advanced, you will logically have more wishes / requirements. Of course you don't want a hideous block of wood in your living room. Just remember when purchasing that you make music with your ears and not with your eyes. The sound of the electric or digital piano is therefore very important. Do you want a piano with the rich sounds of a beautiful concert grand piano? Or are you looking for an old piano as you know it from the cowboy movies.


Multiple sounds

Multiple electronic pianos will have the different sounds in their system. It is just about comparing with the sound you want. In addition to the sound, it is very important that you know how the digital piano plays. As we call it, you have different types of velocity sensitivity. Pressing the keys harder and softer produces the difference in sound. The speed at which you press the key can also make a difference in the sound. Something that helps imitate an authentic playing feel are weighted keys.


Technical aspects of a digital piano

Weighted keys are piano keys that are weighted in a certain way. Again, each brand has given its own interpretation. One works with leads under the keys. The other brand uses real piano hammers in the piano. In this way, each brand also gets its own character and advantages and disadvantages. Then of course a digital piano also has pedals. Just like an acoustic piano has. The most commonly used is the sustain pedal. All electric pianos have the option of that pedal. In addition, the damper pedal and the sostenuto pedal are also included in some cases.


Difference in price range

As you continue to look at the different pianos, you will see the prices diverge considerably. Where sometimes little to no difference can be noticed in the playing feeling. One of those reasons could be the number of speakers that are incorporated in the piano cabinet. The more speakers a piano has, the richer and fuller the sound comes across. So you even have digital wings. The spacious sound box, there is more than enough room for more and larger speakers. This gives you a fuller sound in an electric grand piano than in a digital piano

digital piano electric piano electronic piano

Common terms

  • Touch Response: Touch Response is a measure of how well the instrument responds to hard and soft keystrokes.
  • Speakers: Speakers are also called “boxes”. This is where the sound of the digital piano comes out
  • Ivory feel: Some pianos have a layer over the keys to mimic the ivory material that is made of a real piano touch.
  • Piano conversion: Especially with the stage variants a nice gadget. It's a conversion that makes your piano look like a grand piano or living room piano.
  • Under the piano a wooden frame so you get a more massive looking instrument.
  • Triple pedal: A pedal unit that gives the piano an extension. So you get three pedals that work the way of an acoustic piano.


There are many different types of electronic pianos. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Take your ears into account and choose what you like. Not on what someone else has said that "is good" If you're just starting to play, don't be blind to everything you've read here. Come to the store and get advice. You can hardly do a real misbuy. You're going to develop your ears better and better over the years. You will also look more and more critically at the different types of keyboards. Just start with a good basic piano. Develop your game and your hearing. Trade-in is always possible if you have more wishes and know what you are looking for.
